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Awakening To Your Truth

10 Audio Lessons


A top rated Audio course that has Deeply supported over 5000 people globally!


Over 10 mini but potent audio sessions (from 10-15 minutes each) you will be led on a journey to explore different states of your internal world, to unravel all that stands between you and your truth. With insights, exercises and poetic meditations, each session aims to help you dig into that which is inarticulate, but can be felt. It nudges you to rearrange your thinking and perception so that you can walk away with a deeper understanding of your truths that may have been long denied and to the resilience of honoring them moving forward.


You Will
Learn To

  • Integrate and heal subconscious blocks that prevent you from aligning to your authentic nature through simple and digestible practices

  • Connect with the power of your emotions through the healing energetics of words from poetic meditations, to build a deeply resonate relationship with the version of yourself that amplifies your self-worth and sense of truth

  • Reinforce a stronger emotional and energetic bond to your authentic nature, amplifying your ability to manifest what you want with greater ease

  • Have a deeper understanding of what is blocking you from showing up authentically in everyday life

Lessons Overview

Lesson 1: Deepening Your Awareness

This journey starts by having you dive into a deeper awareness of yourself and your reality. You are encouraged to de-armor your guard around what is occurring in your life and to shift your attention into more acceptance of it. When we resist what is, we move along life more distracted and less connected to who we truly

Lesson 2: Facing Your Fears & Limitations

Fear has a way of making us believe false truths. It can deceptively lead us onto paths that have us leaning into beliefs that are not ours. We are never meant to build a home with fear but rather learn from its presence in our lives. In this session you are encouraged to engage with it in a way where you can more clearly harness the teaching it has for you and use this to help you move through it.

Lesson 3: Exploring Shame

How has shame kept you small? Shame and self-blame are routes that lead us to a deepening grief within ourselves. We break free when we stop self-denying and embrace all of who we truly are. In this session, you are guided to give space to any feelings of shame or self-blame you are harboring within yourself. To give it your attention so that you can start to let it go.

Lesson 4: Inner Power & Trusting Yourself

In this session we dive into your connection to your inner power and the reliance it has on you to trust yourself. When you think of inner power, courage, or bravery, what comes to mind? To claim your power is one of the grandest gifts you can provide to yourself. You are encouraged to explore how connecting to your inner power and self-trust would change your life and the meaningful shifts it would create for you (have a pen and paper nearby).

Lesson 5: Heart Coherence

In this session, time is spent placing greater focus on your heart space. Our heart is continually speaking to us but too often we are distracted to hear its tender wisdom. This journey encourages you to open up, trust, and allow the feeling of expansion to be your cue towards your journey back to your truth and deepest desires.

Lesson 6: Authentic Expression

Our truth is tethered to our authentic expression. Whether that is the way we move, act, write, or speak, self-expression is the outlet in which our truth can manifest through us. Too often, we are molded into beliefs that guide us to hide or repress our unique forms of expression. This session helps you affirm, remember and open you up to the beauty and power of expressing yourself authentically. Be sure to have paper and a pen nearby.

Lesson 7: Clarity & Intuition

Too often our intuition sits underneath a heavy layer of ideas, beliefs or unresolved emotions, distracting us not only from our inner wisdom but from our personal truth too. This session is about being more intentional with where we place our focus and cultivating deeper attention and awareness to our intuitive spaces.

Lesson 8: The Limit’s of Attachment

Life’s transitory nature and natural flow serves us the most when we can trust it fully. When we can accept things as they are and not place too many attachments to them, allowing them to move in and out of our life as they are meant to. It is our resistance to this flow that causes us some of the greatest anguish. This session supports you in exploring how your resistance to this flow may be hindering your life and how the journey back to your deepest truths can be met by learning to let go and trust the natural flow of your life more. Be sure to have a paper and a pen nearby.

Lesson 9: Self-Worth & Confidence

There is so much we reclaim when we believe in our worthiness and inherent abilities to overcome anything that challenges us. How you move in the world shifts when you connect to this type of remembrance and power. Your truth moves through you more freely and you no longer seek as much assurance outside yourself, relieving your mind, body and spirit in beautiful ways. This session reminds you of how liberating it can be to believe in yourself and take chances on things that light you up. Be sure to have a paper and a pen nearby.

Lesson 10: Integration & Letting Your Truth Guide Your Life

This journey has been about garnering a deeper understanding of yourself and shedding what no longer serves you to move closer to embodying your truth. We now spend time bringing it all together by reflecting on the ways you can move through life with more ease, allowing your truth to guide your life more readily and be your compass.

Linda, what an incredible 10 course meal for the soul! This course is an absolute must have for anybody courageous enough to take the journey into self-inquiry and find their truth!!
— Hilal
Powerful! - I don’t recognize myself, or a more accurate description is I feel like my clothes (body, mind, and spirit) fit perfectly!
— Djuana
Linda. My goodness this is so incredibly powerful. Your words have spoken and reached a place in me that is so true and poignant.
— Rochelle

About Linda

Linda Waraega Youssouf M.A., is a Certified Transformation and Wellness Guide, a spiritual writer and creative as well as the founder of Sacred Spoke.

Her work and unique practices support others in unblocking beliefs of unworthiness and lack. It incorporates behavioral science, psychology, spirituality and neuroscience insights and tools to help people elevate their mental, emotional and energetic centers, so that they can align to their true most empowered self.

Linda's practices also incorporate poetic meditations that she writes and produces herself. They help cut through the habitual conditioned patterns that are responsible for holding people back, tapping into the holistic, intuitive, imaginistic capacities of the powerful mind, to deeply access the emotional landscape and provoke change from the inside out.

Frequently Asked Questions


+ How long do I have access to the workshop?

Once purchased you have the course for life :)

+ What is your story? What's your experience, credentials etc.

I have been in the transformational space for over a decade, with several credentials and have completed a varied amount of inner work myself over the last 15 years. To learn more about me, click here :)

+ Do your meditations and courses/workshops replace a visit to a medical professional if I have a medical condition?

I am not a doctor nor a licensed therapist, so if you are unsure if my meditations and courses are right for you, please consult with your healthcare professional beforehand. I also encourage you to read over our disclaimer here

+ Is there a money back guarantee?

I am mindful to keep the prices low so that everyone can participate in these transformative teachings. At this time, there is no money-back guarantee (refunds)for any of the digital courses, workshops and/or meditations.