4 Week Clarity Intensive


44Four Weeks

Clarity Intensive Sessions

Want to learn more to see if it’s a good fit? Book a Free 20 Min Discovery Call Below

Whether it’s clarifying your vision, making a tough decision, or getting to the source of confusion to unravel and garner clarity on next steps, in any area of your life (personal and/or business) - this 4 week intensive is for you!

What is Included:

  • 4 x 50 Min Video Sessions

  • Telegram Office Hours Support in between sessions

  • Tailored exercises, planning and resources to meet your goals and needs

The following are some of the areas these intensives have successfully supported others in:

Career Direction:

Goal Setting: Individuals uncertain about their career or business goals and seek help in defining a clear path forward

Job Satisfaction: Struggling with job dissatisfaction and are looking for guidance on how to find more fulfilling work

Idea Generation: Individuals in creative fields might seek coaching to overcome creative blocks and generate new ideas

Innovation in Business: Entrepreneurs and professionals may seek clarity on innovative approaches to business challenges

Life Purpose:

Self-Discovery: To explore one’s values, passions, and purpose in life

Life Transitions: Major life changes such as graduation, retirement, or a significant personal event may prompt individuals to seek clarity about their next steps


Communication Issues: Navigating challenging relationships by improving communication and understanding

Decision-Making: Those facing decisions related to relationships (e.g., marriage, divorce) and are seeking clarity on the best course of action

Stress and Overwhelm:

Time Management: Individuals struggling with time management and overwhelming responsibilities and are seeking strategies to regain balance

Stress Reduction: Tools for managing stress and developing a more balanced life

Personal Development:

Confidence Building: Lacking confidence and seeking guidance on how to build and project confidence in various areas of life

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs that may be holding them back

Mind-Body Connection: Explore the mind-body connection and make choices that promote overall health and well-being


Hear About

Their One to One Experience…

Linda Youssouf